Aspen turned 6 on Friday, and I must admit that it has been 6 surprising years. They say that girls develop faster than boys and are able to articulate a lot more, a lot earlier than boys. I see it everyday in my house. The level of conversation that Aspen is able to keep astounds me sometimes. She is so proud to be 6 years old, although I am pretty sure that her mouth is a whole 10 years older than her actual age. She is such a bright and smart kid, and I love the fact that she challenges me. I have to check myself on the regular with her and she is not afraid to call me out from time to time.
What I love even more about my little Diva is that in many ways, she keeps friends like I do. For the second year in a row she has had her very best friend Mpumi stay over for the her birthday. They have literally been friends from birth, their first sleep over was at the only four weeks old. What makes them extra special is that they both have birthdays in January, 7 days apart to be exact. Mpumi is such a little lady, never complains and is a friend I would love Aspen to always keep. I would like to think that she balances their friendship out with the quiet way.
So this weekend I could not resist getting some pictures of them together that I hope they will cherish when they Grow older. Life long friends are basically family, and whats better than practically having a sister, the same age as you who you can relate to on every level, right.
So this post is dedicated to these two sweet girls for their birthdays.

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