Wednesday, December 30, 2015

2015 Learned and 2016 Resolutions

I trust that everyone has had a great Christmas and Festive season thus far. Mine has not been very eventful at all. I am still slaving away at the office and only take time off after the New Year.

This is my most favourite time of year, however, but with the Malls packed to capacity and everyone I know either on vacation or spending days at resorts, I have decided to spend most of my time at home. Surprisingly enough, its the first time I feel like being out and about is just too much to handle and I am enjoying it.

Of course I spent most of last week rushing to get last minute Christmas gifts since time was limited and I was not in a financial place to do my shopping a month in advanced as usual. But now I am put off from crowded places for a very long time. Cooling off in the pool at home is all I want to do for now, until we take our vacation next week.

I have been taking this Semi-Down time to reflect on my year and the things I still wish to achieve in 2016.

2015 has been both bad and good for my family. We have had very dry stressful months and then very abandunt plentiful months. We have had marriage problems, parenting problems but also solidified good friendships and gone on amazing adventures. All in all, I dont have any regrets for this year, as the bad has taught me to appreciate the good 100 times more.

Next year is pregnant with opportunity and the small things I have witnessed and learned this year will greatly contribute to the massive achievements I anticipate will happen in 2016.

My list of 2015 lessons learnt include:

- Learning to be more deliberate in the things that I do

- Don't be afraid to stand out even if it seems scary and embarrassing to do

- Take in the silence, it will make the noise easier to tolerate.

- Dance while driving, it makes the end of a hard day far better

- Pay attention, to everything. Its so easy to miss small but yet important events.

- Love selflessly, its the only real way to live

- Most of all, appreciate those around you, it could change their day and even life.

My New years Resolutions for 2016 are:

- Put the phone down and read a book instead

- Just talk to the kids because I can

- Learn, Learn, Learn and then Apply

- Take risks with my eyes closed.
- Make 30 Count in a MASSIVE way

- Big or small, be sexy

- And Last but not least, Apply God to EVERYTHING

I pray that the New year is a massive and amazing year for everyone and that dreams are realized.

Mwah Mwah!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Enjoyed the read and your lessons reminded me of some I learned. Take care, my friend, and enjoy 2016!