Because I started my life 'adult' life pretty much earlier than most, I have been contemplating for while about some of the things that I have yet to experience in this life, a so called bucket list of things that as a young person I did not have much of an opportunity to experience. It seems now a better time than any to spread my wings and put my strength and confidence to the test as it should be.

1. Either Skydive or Bungee.
I am terrified of heights and know for certain that I will most likely cry all the way down. Whatever I can finance will be the best choice, but so far I have already gotten two volunteer's for the bungee and think that will be the most feasible option.2. Driving a Super Car
Now this is bit tricky as it costs at least R5000 to do here. But oh the thrill of it would be immense and I know that my hubby would be over the moon just to have the opportunity to do this.3. Water Skiing
My information on this is pretty sketchy at the moment, but its one of this thrills that I just can't wait to experience. It pretty much is something I will make sure I check off my list.4. Snowboarding
In Johannesburg its like Christmas when in snows in June. We very rarely see it and when it happens, its only for about an hour at a time. Never enough to build a snowman. Since my birthday is a bit before winter, I will have to settle for fake snow, and luckily, there are available places to do that here.5. Shark Cage Diving
I probably only know one person who has done this. I go to Durban so often and have never attempted doing this. How much more will it add to my story if at least once I was in close proximity with a real live shark. This will definitely be one for the books.6. Host or Co-Host a Show
This is just something I have always dreamed of doing. I have terrible stage fright when I have to sing in front of a crowd, but talking is my speciality. I don't have any specific show, stage, radio or TV program in mind, bit it does not matter much. Its the Experience I am after, after all. This could be such incredible fun!7. Adopt and orphanage.
When I was in school, we had a program that allowed us to visit and stay at a certain children home. In Grade 11 I took the opportunity with both hands and absolutely loved it. We spent a lot of time in the new baby nursery and I met a little Lady named Grace. I will never forget her precious face at only one day old. I spent two days with her there and completely fell in love with her sweet demeanour. For years I have been wanting to get back into a project like this, but life has not made it very possible. This year, however, I want to heed the call of my heart and be there for someone who really and truly needs it. What better way than to adopt and Orphanage where the children just need love, reliable ongoing love.8. Canopy Ride
That kind of speaks for itself9. Throw a Dart and a map and just go there.
I got this from the Mamahood Gauteng Page that I follow on Facebook. My trips and excursions will be limited to South Africa as our overseas travel trips are already in motion. There are tons of places in our country that I have yet to experience, so this should be really something interesting to see.10. Canoeing with Crocodiles
My very good friend thought this would be an amazing thing to do. I don't necessarily agree as reptiles are not my favourite thing on the planet. I am actually deathly affraid of them. But if not, why not, right?11. Snakes
Yes, another reptile, and not just any reptile, one that I find difficult to look at in books or on TV. I have once been very close to a snake, in primary school. Needless to say, I screamed my head off and ran out of the hall with everybody staring because I just happened to be sitting in the front row in front of at least 500 pupils. How I am even going to do this, is beyond me, and you clearly know that it was not my idea. I have to face the fear sometime I guess.12. Announcement at the Airport
I stole this idea from Darren August, the same Darren who wrote the amazing 'A Teacher Changed my Life'. When he posted it, I thought it was so great. The first image I had was of Trevor Noah in the background "Attention All Passengers". Darren thinks its crazy, but I think its cool and will make an effort to get it done, with him of course.13. Swim Under a Waterfall
Yes, a fantasy that I am sure most girls have when they see those perfume advertisements. This was actually possible for me to do on our trip to Mpumalanga. Unfortunately a day already well travelled made this a bit too much of an effort to put my family through, so its here now.14. Learn to play the Base Guitar
I somewhat understand a bit of music I think. Its something I grew up with and live my life with music in my head. Lately however, after purchasing the Toby Mac Album, I have really been interested in learning. This will not be easy as its expensive and I don't even have a base guitar. I most likely will be teaching myself off youtube videos but won't it be cool if I can at least play a few notes well.15. Ride an Elephant
This was also possible on our trip, but its expensive to do and we already had a packed itinerary as this would have taken quite some time to do. I rode a horse for the first time last year and it scared me in the beginning, but it was so much fun to do. Elephants are such beautiful creatures and I know being around one would be such a joy.16. Abseiling
Another one of those things that speaks for itself.17. Getting a Tattoo
I know this is not a 'Holy' thing to do, but it won't change my relationship with God, and in fact it will remind me of Him always. Yes, I have been thinking about this one since my teens and have always been afraid to do it in fear that I would be judged and because of the pain. But God knows me, and frankly, thats all that matters.18. The White Grade R Dress
At Aspens Grade R Graduation last year, we were so excited to get her the white dress and sparkly shoes that we gave no thought to the fact that she goes to a school where some children are genuinely poor. When we attended the ceremony, there were so many kids that just came in a shorts and T shirt because their parents could not afford to spend money on the fancy clothes. My heart broke for those children. We are hoping to find sponsors to help get dresses and shoes for these little girls so that they may also celebrate their graduations in style. I am sure that it would boost their confidence about entering 'big' school and I just want to see them as happy as all the other kids.So far, these are the only things I could come up with. Travel is top of my list of things to do, but realistically with only two and half months left till the 11th of April, I am not putting all of my pennies into the jar just yet. Besides, a lot of these activities have to do with me, but there is so many things that I want to do for others that I am still figuring out.
So this is my call to you. Do have any Amazing Ideas which you think would be Awesome for my 30 Adventures before 30? Do you want to join me on some or all of these adventures or can you help sponsor someone who really needs an adventure in their life? We can make other peoples dreams come true or just give someone a last wish while having an amazing time.
All on the list will be video blogged and photographed so we can document these memories forever!
If you have any more Ideas or want to sponsor a person or trip, email me: and lets make 30 Adventures before 30 a reality.

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