Monday, July 5, 2010

Weigh in Monday Week 1

So this is it, the day that I have been putting aside forever. I just really hate not having to eat what I want, and I want everything. I love nice things so much that if I know there is something nice in the cupboard to eat, I actually get exited like a little kid. Wrong, I know, but I cant help it. From childhood I used to do a little dance when I taste something that i s really good, and I see I have passed it on to my son. It is so cute, but I don't think ti will be cute if he looks as big as me in his twenties, so here is to teaching my family about living healthy.

So here are the numbers:
I weigh in at : 97 Kg's - 218.8lb's
I am :  1.71 Metres  Tall
My Waist : 125 cm's        
I write this very calm now, but when I looked that the scale, I nearly passed out. I have gained 8Kg's since January and seem to keep getting bigger.

Food: The good thing is I can't diet and don't want to anyway since I am breastfeeding.
I have 'cheated' today so far with the yummies but will do better tomorrow.
I had one wheatbix with muesli for breakfast as apposed to the usual two. I had an apple but since I did not make lunch ( my bad ), I had two packets of Nick Nack's, a popcorn and a croissant. At least the number of sugars in my tea has come down from 4 to 1.5 and I only had one tea for the day.  I am still slacking on the water drinking and I have to make better food choices.
For supper we will be having pouched Haddock, rice and steamed veg. My food will not differ much from my family, except I will have brown rice and I will watch my portions as I used to eat for up to three people.

Exercise: I love doing aerobics, but I got the Taibo 2 DVD on Saturday and hopefully am able to use it from tomorroww morning. I also want to start taking the stairs at work and see how well that goes.
This is my Starting Pics:

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