Monday, March 27, 2017


Time.... Something so futile when we are young, free and have no care in the world for what tomorrow may bring. I see it in my children's eyes, no concern for saving for tomorrow, as the experience for right now is worth spending every penny they have. 25 years later, and all I consider is tomorrow, next month, next year. What will I have, what will I be doing, will I, will we be happy? Not only...
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Friday, February 19, 2016

Simplify your life - Easier said than done

Any parent will attest to the fact that parenting is never easy. Some people seem to have it down to the perfect job and claim to find parenting as the best job they were ever gifted with. All be it the best, it is never easy. Parents with more than one child or multiples will surely agree that some days are like walking into your worst nightmare. Tantrums, very little sleep and having to reprimand...
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Thursday, February 18, 2016

Sticking IT to Murphy

I love the word "Misadventure". It makes the bad days seem so manageable. I would love to use that word for the last couple of days in my life, but who ma I kidding. Murphy took out a butter knife to show me he was more coloured than I and I have now just had to start reflecting and patching the wounds he left behind. Backstory: Tuesday was a very well planned day. I was to go in to the office with...
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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

South African Politics - Is it worth your Vote?

I have said before that I am not particularly a fan on talking about our government and its issues. Politics is littered with too much ridicule and contradiction and much more people who have something intelligent to say about it. I however have been following the news and all the political drama lately. Considering that we started 2016 with racial comments of people on Durban's beaches, nonsensical...
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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

30 Throughout 30 - My First Tattoo

So My Valentines Day was spent doing this! I have wanted one since I was 16 and never really got the courage to go through with it, but now, many years later, its done! I said that it would remind me of God everyday, watch the video to see more. ...
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Monday, February 15, 2016

I have been giving it quite a bit of thought over the past week and came the realisation that I might be turning 30 in April, but I will be 30 years old the entire year, so why not celebrate it all year long. The 30 Adventures I have set out to this year also cannot realistically be completed within two months considering that I have a full time job and the financial implications. So I have decided...
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Tuesday, February 2, 2016

She does not look a day over 17 and yet continues to surprise me with her strength and wisdom. Every time we talk, I walk away with something to think about and I cannot be more blessed to have My Sister. On Saturday evening I came across an Article called 11 reasons why your little sister is your biggest blessing. I read through it and can honestly say that every single point made is exactly how...
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